Your local service provider directory
About Membership
Service providers within a 60km radius of Deltool are invited to offer their services to the sustainability network. Typical service provider categories include, but are not limited to, the following:
LPGas Installer (Domestic)
LPGas Installer (Industrial)
LPGas System Maintenance
LPGas Appliance Repairs
Solar System Installer (Domestic)
Solar System Installer (Industrial)
Solar System Maintenance
Solar System Equipment Repairs
Generator Installer
Generator Repairs
Electric Fence Installer
Electric Fence Repairs
Back-up Water System Installer
Back-up Water System Repairs
General Electrical Work
Other Services Beneficial to the Sustainable Network
Code of Conduct:
As a member of this site, you agree to the following code of conduct:
I acknowledge that Deltool is not responsible for the work quality, business processes, or any liability related to my services provided to clients.
I permit Deltool to use my qualifications and experience to unlock future business opportunities.
I agree to upload images of my technical qualifications and other relevant certifications.
I agree to purchase products from Deltool unless Deltool is not competitive in supply.
I agree to attend monthly get-togethers as regularly as possible to support business growth and networking.
I agree to participate in the approval or decline process of new member applications.
I will participate in training sessions made available by Deltool’s suppliers whenever applicable.
I will only undertake work that I am qualified and able to perform.
I agree to work under the mentorship of a qualified person who is allowed to inspect my work and submit a certificate of compliance.
End User Recommendations:
End users can leave recommendations based on the services provided by members. As such, members are urged to be diligent and careful when offering services to end users. Failure to honor the code of conduct or provide satisfactory service may result in removal from the group.